Tuesday, 9 December 2014

90's babys can you relate?

Hi Everybody! (Hi Doctor Nick! Ha! I reckon i am hilarious!)

If your not a 90's baby or older, i would click away from this blog post now because your most likely going to think i am mental and have no idea what i am talking about, or stay and listen to me ramble on like a crazy lady who really doesn't understand the world we live in today, and hey maby you guys can educate me?
*Deep Breath* Okaaay let me start from the beginning, i know this is going to sound bizarre because well if your reading this, your reading it on my blog, but i genuinely do not understand what social media has become! I grew up in the days were unless it was bucking down ( and i mean really bucking down because i grew up in Ireland and it was always at least raining a little)

I am only 21 and have only been on this strange planet for a short time but as i have grown up  and i look at the young girls and boys a few years younger then me, i feel like shaking them(gently and nonviolently of course) and tell to take there noses out of there smart phones, Facebook,twitter and what ever else is considered cool these days! There is so much in this world if you just look up from your phone! Isn't there? When i was a little girl the world looked so big and i had so many plans and ambitions and things i wanted to do when i got older, i spent most of my summers exploring fields and making dens with my childhood best friend Orla and generally being a kid! We have so many memories that are just ares and that i cherish because it was back in a more innocent time! Today i see kids as young as 7 walking round with smart phones and taking selfies and worrying about how there hair looks and its honestly frightening to me YOUR SEVEN!! you should be playing in the dirt and staying away from boys because there gross and you don't want to play football with them, am i the only one that this scares!!

If there are any young girls reading this, please listen to this advice, dont wish to grow up to quickly its a trap! Enjoy being young its a blessing i mean it, i often wished i would grow up quick and now i am 21 i wish i could be a kid again! 
Please Just Be You !
RaayJaay xx

Copyright RachelLisaJ All opinions are my own!